WHat happens on a sunday

We’re always keen to welcome new people to our church at every opportunity, but understand that the thought of going to church on a Sunday morning can be a bit daunting if you’re not used to it!

So to give you more of an idea of what happens, here’s a quick guide to Sunday mornings at Ingleton Evangelical Church:

When should I arrive?

We start at 10.45am, so any time time from 10:30am. Be sure to look for our welcome team as you come into the building. As well as welcoming you, they’ll try to answer any questions you may have.

What to wear?

Whatever you’re comfortable in. The atmosphere at the church is relaxed, people are friendly and there is no dress code.

What will happen at the meeting?

There will be a time of singing – usually around 4 songs (3-4 minutes each) throughout the meeting. You’re welcome to sing along, or just listen in (the words will be provided).
There will be a time of prayer (again, you can just listen in as whoever is leading prays).
A passage from the Bible will be read.
There will be a Bible talk (about 30-35 minutes in length).

What about the kids?

Children up to the age of 11 have their own time together that starts after the first part of the meeting. This includes a creche.

And at the end?

We aim to finish our service at 12pm, after which we serve tea, coffee and biscuits. This provides a great opportunity to get to know some of the other people there. On the last Sunday of the month the service finishes with Communion, followed by a fellowship lunch, to which visitors are welcome.

Please contact us if you have questions that remain unanswered. We look forward to seeing you soon.