New To Christianity

Christianity centres around who Jesus is and why he came to into this world.

Christianity Explored

Christianity Explored is a course that we run here at Ingleton Evangelical Church and is designed to introduce people to the real Jesus through the pages of Mark’s Gospel.

The course runs over a period of seven weeks and is an opportunity to discover the Bible’s teaching about Jesus in an informal and relaxed way. No prior knowledge of the Bible is required, and you can feel free to ask any questions you like, or if you prefer, you can just sit back and listen.

If you’d like to see a website introducing the course, just click on the image below.

The church regularly runs the Christianity Explored course so if you’re interested in joining us please get in contact with myself, Jim Day, and I’ll let you know further details.

Please see the Contact page for how to get in touch.

3, 2, 1 - God, the World, and You

The 3, 2, 1 website also gives you a brief introduction to the Christian faith. Click on the image below to discover more.